Submission guidelines for 2023 coming soon!
Application Process:
To apply, please submit your CV or portfolio, a 250-word abstract, and a 250-word personal statement indicating how your research relates to the workshop theme. Anyone working on decolonial and postcolonial theory, race theory, disability studies, queer theory, feminism, aesthetics, philosophy, sociology, history, critical theory and political theory in general is encouraged to apply. We highly encourage activists, journalists, and artists to apply, even if your work is not in the form of a traditional paper.
Please do not submit published work. All papers/projects should be works in progress, open to development in response to feedback.
When & Where: TBD
Eligibility: This workshop is open to anyone who is interested with the requisite background, including activists, artists, independent researchers, and academics (e.g., graduate students, post-docs, junior faculty).
Program Fees (fees include lodging for the entire duration of the workshop, lunch during workshop days, and an opening reception):
50 for Kosovar citizens who do not require lodging;
100 euro for Kosovar citizens who require lodging;
225 euros for students, independent researchers, non-affiliated organizers/activists, and artists;
325 euros for students and activists with organizational backing;
375 euros for tenured or tenure-track faculty.
Partner Institution:
Critical Theory Workshop
Transform! Europe (Transform! is partially financed through a subsidy from the European Parliament).
Image above by Sehida Miftari.